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Take Action!

It takes all of us to champion this fight for unity in Aotearoa. What part can you play to spark crucial conversations against racism? Here are five ways we can fuel the narrative for kotahitanga:

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    Educate yourself

    Racism is rampant beneath the surface of our very own backyard. The NZ Human Rights Commission Te Kāhui Tika Tangata have some key tips on how to identify racism and what to do about it.

    For companies or organisations wanting to stamp out discrimination and racism within their walls, have a read through The Business of Human Rights Guide on how to be a good corporate citizen.

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    Start conversations

    Many Kiwi’s are bystanders to racism either because they don’t know or notice it’s happening. With the COVID-19 pandemic there has been a rise in bullying and harassment towards people of Chinese and Asian descent here in New Zealand. Bring up the racism topic in conversations with those around you to raise awareness.

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    Support. Record. Report

    A small comment, a joke or an outright attack of racism can be crushing to someone on the receiving end. If you see it happening, don’t be a bystander. Be an upstander by remembering to support, record, report:

    • Support: Go up to the victim and ask if they are okay, ignore the attacker. Make sure the victim knows they are not alone. Support the victim during and after the attack, they will be feeling a range of emotions, fear, anger, embarrassment – make them feel better. Don’t be a bystander.
    • Record: If you can, record the attack on a phone. It helps to make sure we hold people to account. As soon as you can take notes of the time and place, as well as details of the incident in as much details as possible.
    • Report: Report the attack to the authorities. Call the police. Alert the bus driver, train guard or whomever may be around. Don’t let it slide.
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    Be an instrument of diversity

    Think about what groups you are involved in and think how you can grow diversity in that space. Are you on a governance board or committee? Are you looking to collaborate for a project, hiring new staff, or seeking advice?

    Think how you can introduce different voices from different ethnic groups to the table.

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    There are a number of national organisations doing the mahi to end racism. Get behind them with a donation: