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A collection of poems

Waitangi 2019

Anticipating dawn and dignitories the crowd
waits on a sign from wardens that a chair
is ripe for claiming. Next to me I hear
a young man telling his Welsh friend how proud

he is and how much progress has been made:
so many learning te reo. On the big screen
successive leaders ornament the scene
with hope despite the promises betrayed.

As darkness fades a lump swells in my throat
despite the cliché and the rhetoric.
Māori of old knew in their hearts the trick
of hearing in the light-change a new note.
As morning grows I spot the PM feed
the infant Neve, anchored by the child’s need.

After teaching and researching at the University of Waikato’s School of Education for 20 years, Terry Locke retired to the Ngongotahā Valley with his wife Millie in 2016. He now spends his time writing poetry, engaging in sporadic academic writing, and tending the plants at home. His most recent books of poetry are Ranging Around the Zero (2015) and Tending the Landscape of the Heart (2019), both published by Steele Roberts.